
    Surya Namaskar: Common Mistakes to Avoid

    Surya Namaskar, also called Sun Salutation, is a sequence of 12 yoga postures performed fluidly. It is a form of physical and spiritual exercise that originated in ancient India and is still widely practiced today. The Surya Namaskar steps are designed to stretch and strengthen the muscles, improve flexibility, and bring balance to the body and mind.

    However, despite its many benefits, people make inevitable common mistakes while performing Surya Namaskar, which can limit its effectiveness and even cause harm. This article will teach you the most common mistakes to avoid while performing Surya Namaskar.

    Rushing Through the Postures:

    One of the common mistakes made during Surya Namaskar is rushing through the postures. Many people see Surya Namaskar as a quick way to get in a workout; therefore, they perform the Surya Namaskar steps quickly and without proper form. 

    Not Maintaining Proper Alignment:

    Another common mistake made during Surya Namaskar is not maintaining proper alignment in each posture. It is essential to maintain proper alignment to get the practice’s full benefits and avoid injury. Each pose should be performed with awareness, focusing on keeping the spine straight and the hips level. Pay attention to your body and adjust to maintain proper alignment throughout the practice.

    Forgetting to Breathe:

    Breathing is essential to Surya Namaskar, yet it is often overlooked. Many people must remember to breathe correctly during practice, holding their breath or breathing too shallowly. Proper breathing helps to oxygenate the body, improve circulation, and calm the mind.

    During Surya Namaskar, it is essential to breathe deeply and slowly, synchronizing each breath with each movement. Inhale as you reach up, and exhale as you bend forward.

    Not Warming Up:

    Surya Namaskar is a physical practice that requires your body to be flexible and move through a full range of motion. It is essential to warm up before performing Surya Namaskar to prepare the muscles and prevent injury. A simple warm-up may include a few minutes of light cardio or stretching. Take the time to warm up before practicing Surya Namaskar, and listen to your body to see if it feels tight or stiff.

    Not Modifying the Practice:

    Surya Namaskar can be modified to suit each individual’s needs and abilities. However, many people are hesitant to alter the practice, thinking they must perform the postures precisely as they are traditionally done. 

    Not Practicing Regularly:

    Surya Namaskar is a practice that requires consistency and commitment to see the full benefits. Many people perform Surya Namaskar sporadically, only practicing when they have time or feel like it. This approach will only provide part of the benefits of the practice. It is essential to make Surya Namaskar a regular part of your routine, incorporating it into your daily practice.

    A consistent approach allows the body to adapt to the postures, improving flexibility and strength over time. Regular exercise also helps to bring balance to the body and mind, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.

    Not Staying Hydrated:

    Staying hydrated is essential during physical activity, and Surya Namaskar is no exception. Many must remember to drink water before or after practice, leading to dehydration and reduced performance. 


    Surya Namaskar is a powerful physical and spiritual practice that offers numerous benefits to the body and mind. However, like any physical activity, it is essential to perform it correctly to avoid injury and get the full benefits. Avoid the common mistakes discussed above and ensure to warm up, breathe properly, maintain proper alignment, modify the practice as needed, practice regularly, and stay hydrated. With these tips, you can make the most of your Surya Namaskar practice and enjoy its benefits.

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